Cataract, Eye Surgery, Eye Treatments, Laser Eye Surgery, Outpatient Surgery

In many ways the eye operates similar to a camera. Light rays focus images via our natural lens on the light-sensitive retina in the back of the eye. The retina processes these images sending information to the brain creating vision. Cataract degradation of the natural decreases vision. Cataract surgery and replacement of the degraded natural lens with an intraocular implant (IOL) can restore vision.
Newer technologies have been developed to care for patients with caratact vision problems. Femtosecond lasers (FSL) allow for laser exactness during cataract surgery. Intraocular implant (IOL) designs allow for post-operative near and distant vision tasks, sometimes completely independent of needing glasses.
Femtosecond laser (FSL) offers preciseness of cataract surgery incision placement while the technology fragments the cataract into small pieces prior to inserting surgical instruments into the eye. The exactness of femtosecond laser incision placement can reduce optical blemishes of the eye such as astigmatism which is very useful if a patient will require a multifocal implant (IOL).
An intraocular implant (IOL) replaces the focusing power of the eye once the natural lens is removed. A simpler technology IOL is a monofocal or fixed-focus IOL. The monofocal IOL characteristics allows for recovery of vision at a single distance. This implies a postoperative correction with glasses or contact lenses may be necessary for clear vision at all distances.
Newer design multifocal IOLs employ different powers on optical zones built into the IOL. This may achieve distance and near viewing after cataract surgery, sometimes with little or no dependence on glasses.